Jim Fergus


THE VENGEANCE OF MOTHERS special Skype offer to book clubs

January 26, 2018 | Categories: Uncategorized

My new year’s resolution for 2018, is to monitor and update my website on at least a weekly basis.

Also, I would like to offer phone or Skype chats to all book clubs who choose The Vengeance of Mothers (the second volume of the One Thousand White Women trilogy) as a selection. I can be contacted via the link at the bottom of all pages of this website. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your support of my work.

Jim Fergus


Chelsea Handler shout-out for One Thousand White Women

March 6, 2014 | Categories: Uncategorized

In the New York Times Book Review, Sun. Mar. 2, in the column “By the Book” the actress/comedian/talk show host Chelsea Handler listed One Thousand White Women as one of her “favorite books of all time,” right next to Anna Karenina (which happens to be one of my favorite books.)  Very nice company to be in!  Thanks, Chelsea. I have a great role for you in the miniseries!

Chrysis (The Memory of Love) wins 1st Readers’ Prize from French Book of the Month Club

February 23, 2014 | Categories: Uncategorized

Readers of the GLM (Grand Livre du Mois/Great Book of the Month)  Club recently voted Chrysis (English title: The Memory of Love) their favorite book of 2013.  For me as a writer, it is always most gratifying when a book wins an award given by consensus of actual readers rather than by a panel of literary critics or journalists. I thank the readers of GLM for this great honor.

The Sporting Road (Mon Amérique) wins the Francis Sommer Prize for fiction, 2013, awarded by the Francis Sommer Foundation and the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (Museum of Hunting & Nature), Paris, France

February 22, 2014 | Categories: Uncategorized

The Museum of Hunting and Nature  (Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature ) is one of the most unique and extraordinary museums in Paris. It was founded in 1964 by a wealthy French industrialist, François Sommer (1904-1973) and his wife Jacqueline, both of whom were avid hunters and conservationists. The foundation was set up after his death to continue his work and that of the museum. Sommer was also an accomplished writer, and Ernest Hemingway wrote the preface to his first book, published in 1953. He went on to publish (sometimes in co-authorship with his wife, Jacqueline) nearly a dozen more  books on the subjects of hunting, nature, animals, and conservation. I am particularly proud to have The Sporting Road selected for this award, because like all the best hunters, François Sommer understood the inexorable links between human beings, wild animals, and the natural world that supports us all. And he devoted his life to nurturing, protecting and defending these connections.
